Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Tabbitha's Babies!

These are our newest addition. Their mother is Tabbitha and their father is Barnaby. They are both crested which makes them look so adorable. They were quite large when they were born and there was some complication with the birth but they are settling in.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Julia Babies!

Then on Saturday morning the 5th of March 2011, i went out to find Julia had given birth. First we only found 3 babies later finding an extra one. Their father is Kevin. The first 3 we found were black and red, one with a little white. The last little runt of the litter is Agouti and White Abbysinnian.

Coco Babies!

Two days later on Friday the 4th March 2011 i came home from work to find 3 new babies. These babies belong to Coco and their father is Kevin. One baby is a replica of Coco, another is Agouti and White and Abbysinnian like Kevin and last but not least a smooth black and white baby. So cute!!

Queen Latifah Babies!

On the morning of Wednesday 2nd March 2011 we woke up to babies. It was a surprise to find out that the mother wasn't Julia but Queen Latifah. The big beautiful black mumma had 2 healthy babies. Both babies are red and white like their father Barnaby. 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Bernadette (Rostenkowski)

Bernadette is the last of the Toowoomba girls. She is a Tri-colour Sheltie female. Her long flowing locks are quite cute. She doesnt mind being handled but she likes to squeek when you stroke her. Bernadette is quite a funny little thing. 

Amy (Farrah Fowler)

Amy is another one of the three guinea pigs from Toowoomba. She is an American Crested Chocolate guinea pig. She has ruby red eyes and is the largest of the 3 newbies. Amy is the skittish one of the gang. 

Penny (Queen)

This is Penny. Penny is one of three female guinea pigs i bought in Toowoomba. She is a Satin English Crested Guinea pig. I love her light cream colour and big red eyes. Penny is my partners favourite guinea pig. She is small but will grow quickly and has settled in very quickly.